Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
There are moments in every boy's life that he looks back on as a moment his dad taught him something. With any luck, its something useful. The really fortunate ones recognize that moment as more than just a moment they learned something. They recognize it as a moment their dad passed along a piece of himself.
You all know that Coach is just that. A coach. Right? I know I've mentioned it a time or three thousand. And while he loves teaching kids, our boys specifically, about anything to do with any and all details of any and all sports..... he lives for the times when he is ASKED to show them how to do something.
Last week was the Little League All Star Tournament here in our little corner of Arizona. With Bug's team out of the running for the championship, my guys were still hanging out at the ballpark, watching games while I was busy doing Hosting Board stuff. Bug took the opportunity to make his dad feel ten feet tall. He asked Coach to teach him how to keep score. If you've ever kept score for a baseball or softball game, and I mean really kept a detailed score book, you know that there is a lot involved in it. And my ten year old Bug wanted to know it all.
Yes, Coach still had his score book from the regular season. Yes, it was pulled out and carted to the field with us. And yes, Bug sat there for most of the entire game, completely engrossed in his dad's words.

I'm also proud of myself. For not breaking down and bawling like a little baby every time I looked at them huddled together under that blue canopy.

**Ok... so cut me a little slack here! Its my first Photo Story Friday, and I'm posting this just knowing that I had too few photos and too many words. I'll work on it for next week, ok?**
It. Is. PERFECTION. Love every bit of it.
And I think, given my current overly emotional state, I would have bawled like a baby.
what are you talking about this is perfect! love the pictures! and what a huge moment for them ! seriously i hesitate to say sweet since it's a boy. but really? SO SWEET! make me teary why don't ya?
I love this story. Love it. I would have been all choked up, too. How great that your boy stayed with it.
Awesome post about a memorable event for both of them! Ahhh, bonding over baseball. (I'd grunt like Tim the Toolman, but I don't know how to spell em.)
You just wanted us all to say YOU DID A GREAT JOB!! You were simply looking for kudos, right? :)
Actually, the pics are awesome!!
Love them!
Fantastic! And you are so right by the way. Congrats on now crying *hugs* lol. And for your first PSF, I give it an A+
This was perfect! Very sweet.
I laughed at hte title of your previous post: It's not a vacation until the pictures are forced on friends... too true! Great piccs though!
Pop over & see my interview with a diva, Miss Dragonfly: http://anapronaday.blogspot.com/2008/06/interview-with-miss-dragon-fly.html
I LOVE it! That's awesome!!
That book is silly! I've been playing softball for years and I can't figure out the stinking book either!!!
Awwwwww, I like that!!
I used to coach and I can't even keep score. Bug is one step ahead of me already and I got Coach to thank for that!
Tell him I appreciate it....letting a 10 yr old beat me.
It's about the story... it's suppose to be wordy! :) I Loved It!
I am so happy you are playing PSF - this was PERFECT - be as wordy as you want! I always played too and NEVER truly knew the entire book! :) Loved the shots.
Hooray for pictures!!!!!
You nutjob (I say that in the most loving way possible), it's perfect! That is EXACTLY what Photo Story should be about!
Great story and GREAT photos!
I'm so proud of you for showing them off! Yay for the Mama.
You did FINE, SM. Personally, I prefer at least twice as many words as photos. Your boy is darling (don't tell Bug I said that!). And YAY for Coach!
Those are the great moments aren't they.
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