Ya know, if I was a really good mom, like some others I could name, I'd have video of some of this. At the least, I'd have a picture or two laying around somewhere from some point over the course of his life. Apparently I'm just not that good of a mother.
Bug is, and has always been, filled with a genuine love of music. All music. Even some forms that are borderline NOT music (Rap, while it has a beat, is NOT music. I will forever defend that position.). And being filled with a love of all things musical tends to lend itself to finding himself just flat out filled with the music itself. Regardless of location. Regardless of the audience. He just can't seem to help it.
He dances. To actual radio music. To music videos. To live performances. To commercials. To music only heard inside his fantastically creative mind. He dances.
He loves watching So You Think You Can Dance?, because he both tries to copy some of the dance moves, and goes on to choreograph his own routine. He's been planning his audition routine for a couple of years now, tweaking it constantly.
And? He still dances with his mom. How lucky am I?
So, yeah. I might not be the greatest mom, documenting every awesome thing he does with video or pictures. But somehow, I'm pretty sure he'll survive it just fine.
And, because I promised you'd get to "meet" the rest of my guys, I give to you......
*And? My next post will be my 200th!!*
WHOOHOO such handsome guys in your life . love that he loves to dance, and all things musical! and really don't feel too bad, he's probably about that age that he'd be horrified at the thought of you taping him to put on your blog. my kids always assume that is the reason I'm taking a picture or taping anything.
and can't wait for # 200! so exciting!
Could the men in your life BE ANY CUTER??
Wow, no wonder you kept them all to yourself!!
Hallie :)
I can't believe you've been hiding this bunch from us all this time. They're a good looking bunch!
For the record, I'm compensating for my own lack of childhood pictures. I probably should see a shrink over it, but oh well.
As stated before, your boys are the most handsome around. A lot to be proud of there, mama.
You got some lookers over at your house! Oh, if you could promise me another boy, I'd so do this pregnancy thing again.
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