Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It Probably Won't Happen For Another Year

I was up at 4:30 this morning, making breakfast. Yes, you read that right. I was up at the butt-crack of dawn. Cooking. And if you know me at all by now you realize that those are two things I do not like when tackled on their own. Put them together, and I had to have a darn good reason for it.

Although, I will say it was a really awesome breakfast of fried potatoes, scrambled eggs, bacon and ranch style beans. All wrapped up in a warm tortilla. Mmmmm..... yummy.

Anyway, back to my really good reason for doing something that would normally cause my friends and family to call the Men in Black to check for alien organisms, or a priest (despite the fact that we aren't Catholic) to exorcise some random demon.

Today is Coach's birthday.

In the everyday course of our lives, I would have planned a great dinner. A dinner cooked by someone other than myself, in a location tidier than my house. A dinner that *gasp* occurred at an acceptable dinner time. You know, the EVENING hours. However, life being what it is these days, that wasn't going to work. Coach, being what he is....which is a COACH, has practice tonight. He won't get home until probably around 8:30 or so, and the silly man is in bed and passed out cold by 9:30 (you caught that 4:30 AM wake up time, right?), so dinner was pretty much out of the question. At least an elaborate one that would showcase just how special he is.

So, being the still-totally-crushing-on-my-husband kind of wife that I am, I dragged my butt out of bed at 4:30 this morning to make him breakfast. (Mmmmm.....fried potatoes......)

Because I love him. Because that is probably the only time today I'll really get to see him. Because he makes a lot of racket in the mornings, anyway. (Kidding... he's usually pretty quiet. That, or I can sleep through just about anything if I put my mind to it.)

He also, lucky man that he is, got something he's been asking for for DAYS. Maybe even WEEKS. He's tried dropping hints, playing all subtle. He's been blatantly obvious. He's even begged.

He got the new CD released by AC/DC.

Told you I love him.


Flea said...

Oh c'mon. You wanted that CD too. :)

Coach must be pretty DARN special if you got up that early and cooked. Lucky, too. I hope he GOT lucky. :) Happy birthday, Coach!

Cecily R said...

AC/DC huh? Rock ON (picture me rockin' the 80's hair and head banging for the full effect)!!

Happy Birthday Coach!!

Crazymamaof6 said...

WHOOHOO! super nice wife! did he faint dead? seeing you up that early?
holy cow! way to go! and a new CD too! awesome!

Karen said...

I am shamed. You are a wonderfully loving wife and apparently I need to take lessons. Coach is one lucky man.

Kidzmama said...

Your 4:30am is just about perfect breakfast time in my time zone. Mmmm.

Happy Birthday Coach!

I guess that takes care of all your wifely duties for the day. Now, take a shower!!

Burgh Baby said...

You are making the rest of us look bad. Real bad.

Happy birthday, Coach!

Aimee said...

Happy Birthday, Coach! he must be pretty special to get a wake up call that early! I think I'd be more inclined to leave a note and a muffin. haha.

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

Well, shite. Now I feel bad. Puppy's was Saturday and he got to go to a toddler party, no dinner, and no presents. I'm a bad wife. Also, the title of my latest post is for you & J.