Can you all read that up there? That oh-so-heartfelt letter that Jock wrote while he was at Football Camp? Now, not to give him too much credit.... it was an assignment that the entire camp had to do, per the coaches. But in case you can't read it, here it is, with my own --incredibly maternal--comments in parenthsis:
Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you for putting up with me for the past 15 years. (Note he isn't thanking us for loving him, or anything sentimental like that. Oh no... we get thanked for "putting up with him." Think he's got a handle on his attitude, or what?) I'm very glad that you keep me under the roof. (As opposed to tying him to the shingles??) You make really great food for dinner. (Now he's just being cruel here. We all know my cooking sucks.) I really love the way you make your french toast on Sunday mornings. (Yeah, I'll give him this one. They all love this. Too bad I only do it once every couple of months anymore.) You'll end up buying me things that I really don't have to have. (Does he have my number or what?) Dad, thank you for coaching me for the past 7-8 years. Its really helped throughout my sports career. (I get a lot of nonsense about food, and spoiling him. Dad? Gets the thanks for helping with the career. Where's the fairness in that??)
And that's it. He didn't even sign it. And he didn't even give it to us. I found it in his bag when I was making sure he'd gotten all the stanky socks and shirts out for the laundry.
But that's alright. Being a mom, I'm totally able to read between the lines.
We love you, too.
hey you gotta take what you can get with teenagers right?? oh yeah. love your comments added!
I'm so glad you shared this!!
Love it!
Too funny.
Yup, he's ALL male!
That line about buying him things he doesn't need could SO be used against him in court. Or the mall. Whichever is the next place he tries to con you into buying something you know he doesn't need.
Is this what I have to look forward to? Pleas say no.
I think for a teenage male that speaks VOLUMES!
Thanks for sharing!! :)
:D What a good boy. He knows it's no fun being stapled to the roof. Smart.
Hahaha, I love it. He is SO Coach's son... :)
Well if it wasn't for your cooking he wouldn't have the energy to go out there and maintain his sports career. French toast is awesome, cook it more often on Sundays.
Well if that doesn't just beat all...he is just squishy. What a great kid he is!!!!
Yeah, my son signs his letter from camp, but with his full name. As though there might be another Spike writing us by coincidence. Funny kids.
Yeah, my son signs his letter from camp, but with his full name. As though there might be another Spike writing us by coincidence. Funny kids.
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